Part: 1 : Medioimages wt01 - discover the caribbean
MedioImages WT01 - Discover the Caribbean
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Part: 2 : Cartoonsmart: blender logic bricks real-time 3d
CartoonSmart: Blender Logic Bricks Real-time 3D
Real-time 3D gaming with Blender. Sounds cool right? Well here's the best part… it works without programming. You basically just make linkages between 3d objects and properties. Like a cube gets linked to gravity for example. You'll "get it" within 10 minutes of watching the tutorial. Although you can kind of it see it in action if you watch the demo video on the sales page (just follow what the mouse does in the bottom half of the screencapture).
What amazes about how Blender setup this 3D engine is the simplicity. And this also irks me a bit too, because as the usual Flash gaming teacher at CartoonSmart, I can't even describe how complicated it would be to teach the equivalent of what this lesson sets up in the first few minutes. And Flash only deals with the x and y axis! Watching this lesson also made me rethink the complexity that I've assumed was in the video games collecting dust on my shelves. So as far as tutorials go, it was definitely mind-blowing.
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This post was submitted by naveen.
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